1.1.0 - 2024-09-29

  • NEW: add some command supports

  • sf.org.list_metadata_types

  • sf.org.list_metadata

  • sf.org.list_limits

  • NEW: add a console command; orgs

    1.0.0 - 2024-09-27

  • NEW: sf_cli command that integrates both command and object model libraries into IRB.

  • NEW: (document) command coverage list is added in online document

  • Misc: starts semantic versioning

0.0.10 - 2024-09-25

made only Object Model enhanncements.

  • NEW: #to_csvto get query result by csv format

  • NEW: #not in query methods

  • NEW: aggregate functions such as #count, #min and #max

  • CHANGE: re-design Schema class

  • Misc:

    • refactor #pluck for performance enhancement

0.0.9 - 2024-09-23

  • CHANGE: [BREAKING] change keyword argument timeout to wait according to the original commands’ specification;

    • sf.data.query

    • sf.data.delete_bulk

    • sf.data.delete_resume

    • sf.data.upsert_bulk

    • sf.data.upsert_resume

  • NEW: #find_by method for object model

  • NEW: api_version keyword argument is added to methods whose original commands have that option

  • CHANGE: file keyword argument accepts IO-like object such as StringIO:

    • sf.data.upsert_bulk

    • sf.data.delete_bulk

0.0.8 - 2024-09-21

Maintenance Release: document enhancement

  • CHANGE: document generator change from hanna-rdoc to yard

  • NEW: new online document page: tmkw.github.io/sf_cli/

    0.0.7 - 2024-09-19

  • NEW: add sf.apex.run

    0.0.6 - 2024-09-16

  • NEW: Object Model Support renewal;

  • SfCli::Sf::Model.connection represents the connection to Salesforce. It can be set by set_connection class method in the module. As of now there is only SfCommandConnection, which is based on sf command, as connection adapter. After the connection is set by set_connection, it is also automatically set to classes when SfCli::Sf::Model.generate method is called.

  • Each object model class has create class method for creating a new record.

  • Each object model has #save and #delete instance methods to create, update and delete the record it represents.

  • Each object class has query interface such as where, select, limit and order methods that can be chainable.

  • Each object class has query interface such as find, all, take and pluck.

  • CHANGE: sf.sobject.describe changed to return schema object.

    0.0.5 - 2024-09-08

  • CHANGE: target CLI version is changed: from 2.54.6 to 2.56.7

  • NEW: new command features are added;

  • --bulk option to sf.data.query

  • sf.data.query_resume

  • sf.data.upsert_bulk

  • sf.data.upsert_resume

  • sf.data.delete_bulk

  • sf.data.delete_resume

  • sf.data.resume

  • sf.data.search

  • sf.org.list

  • sf.login_access_token

  • --browser option to sf.login_web

    0.0.4 - 2024-09-02

  • breaking change:

  • Sf class doesn’t exist anymore. You can not write like sf = SfCli::Sf.new. Instead of that, global sf method is introduced. You can directly type like sf.org.display, which is as almost same usability as the original command.

  • sf data query:

  • support child-parent relationship

  • support parent-children relationship

  • add --result-format option

  • auto generation of Object Model (experimental)

  • generates SF Object Classes automatically

  • relationship is supported

0.0.3 - 2024-08-25

add command operations:

  • sf data get record

  • sf data create record

  • sf data update record

  • sf data delete record

0.0.2 - 2024-08-18

this version up was made by mistake. nothing was changed.

0.0.1 - 2024-08-18

support some command operations:

  • sf org login web

  • sf display

  • sf data query

  • sf sobject describe

  • sf sobject list

  • sf project generate

  • sf project generate manifest