Known Issue
SELECT clause missing Id causes model class to force insert a record, not update
irb(main):006> rows = SObjectModel.connection.exec_query "SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 1", model_class: Account
irb(main):007> rows.first
@Name="Express Logistics and Transport2",
@current_attributes={:Name=>"Express Logistics and Transport2"},
@original_attributes={:Name=>"Express Logistics and Transport2"},
=> #=> this does NEW RECORD INSERT, not Update because its Id is nil
Child relationship in SELECT clause
child relationship that doesn’t specify Id in SELECT clause causes model class to force insert a record, not update
irb(main):016> acc =, '(SELECT Name FROM Contacts)').where(Id: Contact.where.not(AccountId: nil).pluck(:AccountId)).take
irb(main):017> acc
[#<Contact:0x0000724bacf411a8 @Name="Gonzalez Rose", @current_attributes={:Name=>"Gonzalez Rose"}, @original_attributes={:Name=>"Gonzalez Rose"}, @updated_attributes={:Name=>nil}>,
#<Contact:0x0000724bae18f468 @Name="Forbes Sean", @current_attributes={:Name=>"Forbes Sean"}, @original_attributes={:Name=>"Forbes Sean"}, @updated_attributes={:Name=>nil}>],
@Name="Edge Communications",
@current_attributes={:Name=>"Edge Communications"},
@original_attributes={:Name=>"Edge Communications", :Id=>"0015j00001U2XvEAAV"},
irb(main):018> #=> this does NEW RECORD INSERT, not Update because its Id is nil
0.1.4 - 2024-11-18
FIX: Exception message of rest client was wrong
NEW: SObject.generated_classes to identify classes that have benn already created
0.1.3 - 2024-11-04
New: now rest client supports describe global
0.1.2 - 2024-11-04
CHANGE: Yamori changes the name to SObjectModel
0.1.1 - 2024-11-04
FIX: select clause without Id causes to force inserting record, instead of update
FIX: unable to set a field null for update
MISC: small enhancement to Schema class
0.1.0 - 2024-10-19
the first minor release