
Salesforce sObject class library



the easiest way

$ gem install yamori

in Gemfile:

gem 'yamori'


$ bundle install

Generate sObject classes

require 'yamori'

# connect with Salesforce using REST API
Yamori.connect(:rest, instance_url: url, access_token: token, api_version: 62.0)

# generate Account, Contact and User sObject class
Yamori.generate :Account, :Contact, :User

What is instance url?

In short, it’s Salesforce host url. You can check it by Salesforce CLI:

$ sf org display
KEY              VALUE
Access Token     <the org's access token>
Api Version      62.0
Connected Status Connected
Instance Url     https://hoge-abc-ed.example.my.salesforce.com

For details, see the command reference.

Main features

Initialize and save a record

c = Contact.new(:Name => "John Smith")
c.Name # "John Smith"

Find and update a record

c2 = Contact.find(c.id)                  # find by record ID
c2 = Contact.find_by(Name: "John Smith") # find by Name

c2.Name = "Johnny Smith"
c2.save # update

Delete a record

c2 = Contact.find(c.id)

Query and Get a record

contact = Contact.select(:Id, :Name).where(Name: 'Akin Kristen').take
contact # => #<Contact: @Id="0035j00001RW3xbAAD", @Name="Akin Kristen">
contact.Name # Akin Kristen

Contact.select(:Name).where(Name: 'John Smith', LastModifiedDate: :Yesterday).take
Contact.select(:Name).where(Name: 'John Smith').where(LastModifiedDate: :Yesterday).take # same as above

Query and Get records

contacts = Contact.where(LastModifiedDate: :Yesterday).all     # get all contacts who are modified yesterday
accounts = Account.where.not(LastModifiedDate: :Yesterday).all # get all accounts that are *not* modified yesterday

Aggregate functions

Account.where(BillingCountry: 'Japan').count      # count accounts whose billing country is Japan
User.where(country: 'USA').max(:LastModifiedDate) # get the latest LastModifiedDate of users in USA
Case.min(:LastCreatedDate)                        # get the date when the oldest case was created

Child-Parent Relationship

contact = Contact.select(:Id, :Name, "Account.Name").where(Name: 'Akin Kristen').take
contact # <Contact: @Id="0035j00001RW3xbAAD", @Name="Akin Kristen", @Account= #<Account @Name="Aethna Home Products">>
contact.Account.Name # Aethna Home Products

Parent-Children Relationship

 = Account.select(:Id, :Name, "(SELECT Name FROM Contacts)").take
 # <Account @Contacts=[#<Contact @Name="Akin Kristen">], @Id="0015j00001dsDuhAAE", @Name="Aethna Home Products">
.Name                # Aethna Home Products
.Contacts            # [#<Contact @Name="Akin Kristen">]
.Contacts.first.Name # Akin Kristen

Time keywords such as ‘yesterday’ and ‘LAST_N_DAYS:N’ with symbol style

Contact.select(:Name).where(LastModifiedDate: :Yesterday).take       # "SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE LastModifiedDate = Yesterday" LIMIT 1
Contact.select(:Name).where(LastModifiedDate: :"LAST_N_DAYS:5").take # "SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE LastModifiedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5" LIMIT 1

Array for ‘IN’ keyword

Contact.select(:Name).where(Name: ['Jonny Good', 'John Smith']).all # same as "SELECT Name FROM Contact WHERE Name IN ('Jonny Good', 'John Smith')"

Using partial soql directly

Contact.select("Id, Name").where("LastModifiedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5").all

Ternary style

Contact.select(:Id, :Name).where(:LastModifiedDate, :>=, :"LAST_N_DAYS:5").all # SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE LastModifiedDate >= LAST_N_DAYS:5
Account.select(:Id, :Name).where(:Name, :LIKE, "%OIL%").all                    # SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE '%OIL%'

Get schema

schema = Account.describe
schema.name                   # Account
schema.field_names            # [Id, Name, ....]
schema.fields.name_and_labels # returns all field name and label pairs

Sometimes it’s better to use raw SOQL when it gets complecated.

accounts =
    "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name like '%Hoge' OR (Age <= 30 AND BillingCity IN ['Tokyo', 'NewYork'])",
    model_class: Account